Future / to do
[ ] Document the code better. At least sensible docstrings for the major classes.
[ ] Correct for shifts between channels. It is assumed that this has been performed by some other tool.
[ ] Tear out the assert and replace it with a proper sys.exit(-1). For example in places like this:
assert Confirm.ask("Confirm settings and proceed?")
[ ] When calculating the radial profiles it would be much more memory efficient to load-process-free one image at a time rather than loading everything into RAM.
[ ] Place temporary files an a separate folder or at least offer a cleanup command to remove all files created by radiantkit.
[ ] Remove some intermediate classes, for example ImageBase, ParticleBase and possible also Particle.
[ ] Integrate the RadialDistanceCalculator directly into Nucleus?
[ ] Rename BoundingElement to BoundingBox etc …
[ ] rename ND2Reader2 to rkND2reader and CziFile2 to rkCziFile.
[ ] Merge Series and ChannelList
[ ] rename Series to FOV (it is a multi channel FOV).
[ ] consider placing the script in a separate package (some decoupling needed).